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andrea_lunsford's Top Tags
- democratic learning
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- first day of class: eng…
- first-year writing
- food literacy
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- jason dockter
- kindness
- kronos quartet
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- lunsford oral presentat…
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- misinformation
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- multilingual writers
- multimodal composing
- narrative justice
- peer review
- plagiarism
- presidential candidates
- protest
- public speaking
- respect
- rhetorical listening
- rhetorical situation
- rubric
- slideshow
- Students’ Right to Thei…
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- translingual writing
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- writing across the curr…
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- dialogic learning
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- digital copyright
- digital rhetoric
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- donald trump
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- edward p. j. corbett
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- elizabeth wardle
- empathy
- Englishes
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- feminisms and rhetorics
- first year writing
- flipped classroom
- google doc
- graphic narrative
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- group projects
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- handout: english
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- hbcu blog
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- hume center for writing…
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- junot diaz
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- linda adler-kassner
- lisa ede
- low-stakes writing
- lunsford handbooks
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- performative writing
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- plato
- play
- plurilingual
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- presentation
- presidential campaign
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