Personal Report of Communication Apprehension

Macmillan Employee
Macmillan Employee
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Want insights into your student's level of speech anxiety & Communication apprehension and ways to help students through scholarship/tools?

The Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA) and the Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA) are both widely accepted instruments for assessing communication anxiety and apprehension. Request access to LaunchPad to use these tools. 

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The Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA) and the Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA) are excellent tools to assess your students' levels of communication anxiety and apprehension. To gain insights and support your students effectively, request access to LaunchPad and utilize these instruments for a comprehensive evaluation. These assessments can provide valuable data to help address and mitigate speech anxiety in your classroom. Wakeid portal login

Best regards,
Peter Philip