Rise Axelrod; Charles Cooper
The Concise St. Martin's Guide to Writing
Available for the first time with Macmillan's new online learning tool, Achieve, The Concise St. Martin's Guide to Writing provides streamlined, accessible support for the 6 most common writing assignments—remembering events (memoir), writing profiles, explaining concepts, arguing a position, proposing a solution, and justifying an evaluation—and chapters that build the skills of analysis, synthesis, and research. Thousands of instructors and their students rely on the Concise Guide’s proven approach because it works: Acclaimed step-by-step reading and writing guides offer sure-fire inventions that get students started and revision strategies that help them develop their writing. The new edition continues in its strategies to serve a diverse audience of schools and students with new support for reflection that encourages the transfer of skills, and a new Student’s Companion for students taking co-requisite or ALP courses.Now available with Achieve for The Concise St. Martin’s Guide to Writing, an online course space featuring the full e-book, writing tools with pre-built assignments across several drafts, peer review, customizable rubrics, reading comprehension quizzes and summary practice, and adaptive LearningCurve activities to help students hone their understanding of reading and writing.
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